IB TOK Tutors in Singapore. My Tuition Hub Singapore is a premium IB tutoring academy. We provide Online IB TOK Tuition to help and support IB students worldwide with teachers.
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IB TOK Tutors in Singapore
We have a vast network of trained and experienced IB TOK tutors in Singapore who can help to make your IB Tok tasks easier for you. But before we start describing to you how can our IB tutors help you with your theory of knowledge, let us first have an in-depth look at the concepts of IB Tok.
Theory of Knowledge is an essential component of the IB Diploma Programme. No one can get an IB Diploma without completing IB Tok. This course helps students to have a new vision towards their knowledge as well as their IB curriculum. Tok allows students to understand “How we know what we know.” Students can create an open mind with the help of the theory of knowledge.
Contents of the course by IB TOK Tutors
Theory of knowledge encourages meaningful investigation about various types of expertise and different-different ways of understanding things. Tok course consists of many questions, and these questions are based upon the criteria for the Tok essay and the Tok presentation.
Aspect | Grade Level 5
Excellent 9–10 | Level 4
Very Good 7–8 | Level 3
Satisfactory 5–6 | Level 2
Basic 3–4 | Level 1
Elementary 1–2 | Irrelevant 0 |
Understanding the KQ (knowledge question of your Tok) | There is a sustained focus on KQ which have connection to the stipulated
title and are very well. selected—developed. with tests of different perspectives and connected effectively to AOK (it means areas of knowledge) and/or ways of understabding. | There is a focus on KQ that has connection to the stipulated
title—developed with acceptance of different visions and linked to AOK and/or ways of understanding. | There is a focus on some KQ that has links to the stipulated
title—with some development and connection to AOK and/or ways of understanding. | Some KQ that has connection with the stipulated title are contemplated , but the
TOK is mainly vivid, with surfaced or limited connections to AOK and/or ways of understanding. | The essay has only low connection to the stipulated title—
pertinant points are vivid. | The essay does not reach a standard described by levels 1–5 or is not a
response to one of the prescribed titles on the list for the current session. |
Students develop critical thinking by answering these questions following the criteria. Students start understanding and appreciating different perspectives in other cultures. They gain awareness of ideological assumptions and their subjective beliefs, and much more.
TOK Essay and Presentation
Theory of knowledge cossist the following parts-
Theory of Knowledge (TOK)- For every session, IBO releases six different theoretical titles. Students are supposed to choose one title and write an essay on it.
Tok Presentation-A theory of knowledge presentation follows the TOK essay. TOKP checks how a student can apply his knowledge to real-life situations. IBO is planning to replace tokp by TOK exhibition from the year2022. In the Tok exhibition, Students will select one prompt and identify three objects that have connections to this prompt, and explain this connection. Students will get a list, and they will choose Objects from this list. Students’ choices must be unique in their school. Students have the freedom to present their objects either virtually or live.
IB Theory of Knowledge
For every academic session, IBO releases six titles, and every student chooses one title to write his or her Tok essay. Students can take help from their school teachers to select the title. There is always a new set of titles for every examination. For example, IBO may ask you to write an essay on, ‘To what extent does the past shape the areas of knowledge?’ Another example of a Tok essay title maybe this: ‘there is no such thing as the neutral question.’ IBO may ask you to evaluate this question.
Many students find Tok to be an intimidating course. Thus, they seek external help for it. My Tuition Hub Singapore can provide you the best IB Tok Tutors in Singapore who can help you score perfectly in IB TOK. We also offer help for your TOK presentations and PPD. Our team can help you to achieve more in it.
Advantages of an IB TOK Tutor
The theory of knowledge assessment is rather peculiar. Therefore, a lot of students even do not understand their tasks properly. This is the area where our IB Tok Tutors in Singapore can show their usefulness. Students get panic because they do not know what the criteria are. Our tutors can help them understand the rubrics of Tok and make them work according to the requirements.
The most challenging part of essay writing is knowing how to begin it. There are a lot of students who can write excellent essays in languages and literature. But Tok is entirely a different thing. Our IB tutors can help you with your Tok in the following ways-
- How you how to construct your essay
- How to present your arguments and counter-arguments
- Choose the most appropriate style
- I Will help you with your AOK & WOK
- help with the assessment criteria
- help with essay writing practice and feedbacks for corrections
IB TOK Oral Presentations
Students can choose to present their TOKP individually or in a group. It is always easy to give it in a group. Someone may be an outstanding orator. He/she may have no fear in public speaking. Still, the IB Tok presentation is a daunting task. You can demonstrate your presentation in front of our IB TOK tutors. They will check your presentation skills as well as your content. Teachers will describe notable points in your tokp. This will not only improve your content but also boost your confidence. Thus, you can avoid all possible mistakes in your final presentation. Our tutors know that IBO has designed Tok course to develop critical thinking amongst the students. There they will ask several questions during the tutoring sessions. That is why there is always a high density of HOW & WHY in their statements.
With the help of these questions, you gain comprehensive knowledge of the topic under discussion. Precisely, the theory of knowledge is all about this thing only.
If you can train your mind to use logic, reason, and determination, you will give the right answers. But there is always a chance that you may not know the answer to a particular question, but you should not show fear at any such moment. Your tutor will help you search for all such solutions that are not there even in the books.
Usually, teachers do not directly give you answers. They show you a way out. Help you to find your path and get the right answers.
Final words about TOK
Even brighter students should not try to complete their Tok course themselves as it is a tricky course. You can help our experienced, qualified, and skilled tutors avoid any mishap and spoiling your grades. Just a bunch of took lessons with us can transform your Tok essay+tok presentations.
Notable features of IB TOK Tutors in Singapore
Here are a few notable features of our IB tok tuition classes
- Highly experienced, qualified, trained and skilled team of tutors
- Timely delivery of tuition classes
- Detailed notes on TOK for deep understanding
- Practice Titles for Mock testing
- Clearity on Tok rubrics
- Parent engagement and timely feedbacks
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