How to Get a 7 in IB TOK?

How to get a 7 in IB TOK? It is not that difficult. Our well-experienced IB TOK tutors help you to fulfil all the demands of IB TOK. So, you can ace it.

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    How to Get a 7 in IB TOK?

    For IB TOK, you’ll need to write a 1,600-word essay and give a 30-minute presentation. Students benefit from this because it encourages them to think independently and apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios. There’s a major part it plays in the IB as well. In addition, it opens the door for research into how knowledge is acquired. Aside from that, IB TOK is unlike any other essay because it requires students to think critically about a topic and deepen their understanding.
    Find all the important information to help you write a great TOK essay. Therefore, our IB TOK tutors help students by selecting questions, explaining elements, and providing all relevant answers.

    Get a 7 in IB TOK

    Let’s Understand Syllabus & Exam Pattern

    Critical thinking is emphasized in the Theory of Knowledge (TOK). It looks into how learning works and teaches students how to make connections between different fields in new ways. It encourages analytical thinking and a systematic approach to learning.
    Look into the book’s main idea, “Knowledge and the Knower.”
    Learn about any two of these overlapping topics:
    Information and expertise, linguistics, politics, religion, and indigenous cultures
    Master these five areas of information:
    Studies in the Arts, Social Sciences, Hard Sciences, Soft Sciences, and Natural Sciences

    Students must complete two assignments that teachers will evaluate.

    • The exhibition at the TOK (internally assessed)
    • TOK essay on a subject chosen by the school (externally assessed)

    How to Write Effectively to Get a 7 in IB TOK?

    To organize your essay, divide it into sections. This is the key to your future accomplishments. The essay may be divided into more manageable bits of effort.

    Set a date by which you must complete each, and stick to it.

    • Pick one and check with your instructor
    • Plan out your essay.
    • Get your thoughts pen down on paper (intro, body of essay, conclusion)
    • Compare your work in progress against the rubric.
    • The second draft should be the result of extensive editing.
    • Increase the quality and impact of your examples.
    • Give your instructor a look at the draft and ask for input.
    • Finish the last round of editing and review
    • Consult a native speaker, academic writer, or YPC instructor to review your English.

    Get an Early Start & Make a Proper Plan

    Leaving things till the last minute is never a good idea, but we hear calls from stressed-out students who have done just that every year. Use your brain, gain a head start, and don’t bury your head if things go tough. Help is only a click away, so don’t hesitate to ask.
    You may gain a leg up on the competition with a well-written Theory of Knowledge essay, which can boost your self-assurance and give you a leg up on the final examinations. This has persuaded you to begin the process without further delay. Putting things off won’t make it easier, so do it now!
    You may always count on the support of our qualified IB teachers.

    Keep an Eye On these Factors to Get a 7 in IB TOK

    • Title selection

    The IB publishes the list of titles six months before the due date for the next year. Take your time choosing a book from the IB’s list, but feel free to. Examine each book and decide whether you’re interested enough in any of them to provide a thorough answer to the question. Choose any two areas of expertise that interest you. Please look at it and ask yourself whether it’s too general. Regarding the question, “will I be able to respond to it?” Before devoting too much effort to a working title, run it by your instructor after you’ve made your original pick. See whether they agree that it’s a good option for you. They can see potential problems that you missed.

    • Create an engaging first paragraph

    Since this is the first time the tester sees your content, it needs to make an impression. Examining the depths of your chosen work is an excellent place to start. Given that it is a potentially controversial idea, this is crucial. You may also plan out your approach to answering the question here. Remember that the TOK essay format is considerably unlike the EE essay format. This is not about what we know but how we know it.

    • Writing the Essay’s Body Paragraphs

    Be bold and use examples, and make sure they’re excellent ones. The TOK essay requires much study, but examples must support this analysis. However, avoid cliches; reviewers become tired of reading the same ones repeatedly. Think of something specific that no one else will use as an example. The examiner will take notice of this. Furthermore, make sure your examples are specific and narrow enough. They should be understandable and directly relevant to the discussion at hand. Keep in mind that the reader is not responsible for deducing the relevance of the case to the analysis.

    • An ending that wraps up the arguments

    Before you write the conclusion, make sure you’ve thought about the grading criteria by reading them again. Naturally, here is where your analysis culminates. As such, you should conclude and make some closing remarks.

    Leave the Question Exactly as It Is

    You must provide an answer that is true to the question asked. Your grade will be based on how well your answer fits the title you chose from a set of choices.
    Since “does the student present a clear, logical, and critical investigation of the essay title?” is the overarching measure of quality, this is the focus of much of the feedback you’ll get from your teacher. Essays that don’t stick to the title given don’t address the question, so they get lower grades.
    Make sure to answer the question and mention the title of the question several times in your answer. In this manner, you can ensure that your essay fully addresses the prompt.

    Be Clear & Concise in your Writing

    Please hear me out. Even though you’ll tackle some heady issues in your essay, it doesn’t mean you have to use a jargon-filled vocabulary. Marks will be deducted if it is simple to read.
    Don’t give in to the temptation of trying to “sound intelligent.” Some people mistake what they want for what is happening and use flowery language, complicated structures, and long sentences.
    The reverse is true. Examiners can only give you credit for complicated concepts if they grasp them.


    IB tutors in Singapore support and help international students prepare for IB TOK and all IB subjects. Our teachers are experts in the IB program and know how to bring out each student’s natural curiosity and desire to learn.

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