IB IA Tutors

IB IA Tutors. My Tuition Hub India only works with proficient IB IA Tutors who are capable to help their students not only with their regular subjects but also in their internal assessments. We provide reliable IB IA Tuition, IB IA help, IB Maths IA Tutors, IB Economics IA Tutors, IB ESS IA Tutors.

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    ib internal assessment tutor

    There are certain questions that troubles almost every IB student at some point.

    1. How to write a good Maths IA
    2. How to write a good Economics IA
    3. What is the best way to write a good Physics IA
    4. How to write a good Biology IA
    5. How  to write a good Chemistry IA

    We have tried to answer these questions here-:

    IB internal Assessment is an integral part of the IB diploma programe. Every student will get IB Diploma must complete his or her internal assessment in due time. IA basically compliments the practical part of a subjects' learning. Students have to face immense pressure in completing the IA within the deadline. A student can fail the diploma if he or she misses submitting the IA within IB deadlines. Moreover, It affects your final grades badly because an IA usually consists of 20% of a subjects' marks. The purpose of an IA is to demonstrate a students' ability to depict the assessment rubrics in context to the chosen RQ

    Structuring an IB IA has always been a challenging thing for every IB student. Doesn't matter how bright he or she is!!. The structure of every subject IA is entirely different and so is its total word count. We take Physics IA as a sample and try to dismantle the knot. 

    For Physics IA, there is no official word count. It needs to be a document consisting of 6-12 pages. It has the following sections-

    Introduction, Research Question, Background Information, Hypothesis, Variables, Apparatus, Data Collection, Methodology, Risk Assessment, Evaluation, Conclusion and Bibliography are a few components of a Physics IA. Our IB IA Tutors can guide you to understand all the aspects of your IA step by step so that you can develop an excellent IA yourself

    IB Internal Assessment is an integral part of the IB Diploma. One IB IA usually consists of 20% marks of that subject. An IA is assessed on criteria from 1-7. Technically you can not fail in an IA providing you submit it with the due date. But it is really important to prepare an excellent IA and get the most out of it. Because it can affect your final grades very much. All IB IA are assessed internally by your school teachers and then sent to IB. After that IB chooses a few IA papers and sends them for moderations. Based on moderators feedback, all students' marks are revised and thus students get their final scores. It may be slightly more or less than the score given to you by your school teachers.

    IB IA Tutors for almost all subjects

    1. Internal assessments are an integral part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma program. At the My Tuition Hub India, we provide a customized approach to all the DP curriculum subjects.
    2. All the IB schools in India take the process of Internal assessment with extreme seriousness. The internal assessment component of the IBDP offers a cushion for the students to boost up their overall grades.
    3. Every Internal Assessment is intricately linked with the criteria that IBO prescribes. Our IB IA Tutors are well aware of the requirements. Therefore, all the students who complete their work under the guidance of tutors get high scores.
    4. There IB has precise needs, and our teachers pay special care towards these requirements. Here at My IB Tuition India, we will guide you through everything.
    5. And the process starts from choosing the topics, and we are here to guide you until you satisfy your supervisor completely with your work.
    6. Firstly, our teachers will present a range of issues with brainstorming sessions with the teacher, and after you choose the topic of your interest, we will guide you with the process of getting it approved by your supervisor.
    7. The whole process involves ample knowledge of the subject, and our experts who are working with world-class IB schools will provide you with a comprehension of the relevant topic.
    8. After our world-class teachers guide you in the process, school supervisors overwhelm the students with extensive feedback.
    9. Our work does not end after the initial phase of the internal assessment; our teachers will take you through each comment to create a good impression of your work ethic.

    The uniqueness of IB IA

    • Each Internal Assessment has its uniqueness; the IBDP curriculum takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously. Unlike all the other boards, IB will process your IA through multiple plagiarism check software.
    • Moreover, your supervisor needs to be continuously updated about the progress of an Internal Assessment. If you present a full draft to your teacher, he will not validate the Internal Assessment, and your Diploma could be in jeopardy.
    • To avoid this situation, we have built a team of world-class teachers who will help you authenticate your work at each step.
    • Our teachers will be giving you specific instructions on when to update your teachers. We shall guide you, and you will update your work yourself.
    • Moreover, we will also be running the document through several plagiarism checkers to ensure that the work you are doing is genuine.
    • In the past ten years of building a meaningful working relationship with the students, we have not failed any of our student’s expectations.
    • With one-on-one classes, our teachers thoroughly explain to the student writing an internal assessment.
    • The IBDP curriculum also does not allow the students to paraphrase and take an idea from other students’ intellectual property.
    • Hence each year, our teachers sit down with students to continually think about new innovative topics that could provide you with a unique document and help you score a seven and set on the right path to excel.

    Customized Approach by IB IA Tutors

    Each subject has a personalized approach and requirements regarding the word count, font, and internal assessment structure. An internal math assessment has different requirements as compared to an internal economics assessment. Let us look at a few contrastingly other IA subjects. The critical thing to note here is that we have a diverse connection of teachers who will help you in any of the DP curriculum issues. The following is the example to make you well versed with the methodology: –

    How to write a good Maths IA

    • There are a recommended Page limit and word limit for the mathematics IA.
    • The internal assessment has to be based upon a clear-cut topic, and the candidate has to display a personal connection with the subject.
    • The IB has prescribed the following criteria for the Internal Assessment: –
    A: Communication (4)B: Mathematical presentation (3)



    C: Personal engagement (4)D: Reflection (3)E: Use of mathematics (6)
    There should be coherence in the internal assessment. Also, It should be concise, complete and well organize.The mathematical presentation is thoroughly appropriate.Outstanding personal engagement should be in abundance with evidence in the whole assessment.There is substantial evidence of critical reflection.Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used.  The mathematical part of the exploration should be correct. There should be a show of thorough knowledge and understanding.

    Our teachers will decode each criterion for you and connect your customized topics with the requirements to produce a perfect fusion of a high-scoring IA. Other than mathematics, there are 14 marks for structuring and joining the IA, and hence our IB IA Tutors know the exact guidelines to achieve maximum marks in the IA. usually, our students ask “How to Score a 7 in IB Maths SL?“. And we tell them that writing an excellent Maths IA is also important for scoring a perfect 7 in Maths

    How to write the right Economics Internal Assessment

    • IBO  divides the internal assessment for economics into three sections. We call them Economics commentaries.
    • Each commentary has a link with different parts of the chapter. Therefore students need to choose an article from the web.
    • The article should not be more than a year old. So that the pupil does not lose a mark in criterion F.
    A: Diagrams (3)B: Terminology (2)



    C: Application (2)D: Analysis (3)E: Evaluation (4)
    There are properly labelled diagrams, which are relevant to the topic, included in the exploration. Diagrams must be explained fully.There should be proper usage of terms that are related to the topic/article, in the whole IAThere should be proper usage of concepts of Economics that are related to the topic/article, in the whole IAAn effective economic analysis relating to the article must be there.There should be Judgments that are taken and supported by balanced reasoning effectively.

    And there is another criterion, F, which has specific points for word count, date of the article, and other objective requirements, adequately explained by our teachers.

    Our experts will help you in the process of choosing the latest article and writing the commentary. It would help if you had customized diagrams for each commentary, and our teachers are well aware of online tools to create charts for each commentary. The process of writing a commentary involves conciseness as the word limit is strictly 750 words. Our IB IA Tutors have appropriate training in the art of consciences so that you fulfil all of your IB requirements.

    Like the above requirements, we cover almost all IB Diploma subjects. And the world-class Online IB Tutors in India working with IB schools will help you establish your academic career.

    How to write the right Physics Internal Assessment

    • There is a stringent limit of twelve pages, including a bibliography. 
    • Concise writing and a well-defined format is the hallmark for the internal assessment for Physics. 
    • There has to be an exact well-defined research question with a clear explanation of the variables.
    A: Personal engagement (3)


    B Exploration (6)


    C: Analysis (6)D: Evaluation (6)E: Communication (4)
    The proof of personal engagement with IA is understandable with notably independent thinking, enterprise or creativity.The question of the exploration is defined, and We are able to describe a  research question that is completely focused.Enough related and important qualitative and qualitative raw data is included in the report which can lead to an appropriate and detailed and valid result to the R.Q (research question)An in-depth interpretation is narrated and justified that is completely related to the IA RQ and completely aided by the information depicted. A verdict is properly narrated and justified via an appropriate connection to the acknowledged scientific background.The dispensing of the exploration is easy and clear. No error hampers the comprehension of the focal point, process and result.
    How To write a good Biology Internal Assessment
    • There are strict guidelines on the statistical tests. These tests are in plenty in a Biology internal assessment.
    • Qualitative analysis and sensory analysis are necessary for a Biology Internal assessment.
    • You should choose a well-defined IA topic also all the variables that you chose should be easily measurable.
    • The methodology has to be descriptive and detailed, and you must perform the risk assessment too.
    A: Communication (4)B: Analysis (6)



    C: Personal engagement (2)D: Evaluation (6)E: Exploration (6)
    The dispensing of the exploration is easy and clear. No error hampers the comprehension of the focal point, process and result.The report has qualitative and quantitative raw data that is relevant but not complete. This raw data could aid a valid verdict to the RQ of IA that is detailed in nature.The evidence of personal engagement with the IA is clear with significant independent thinking, initiative, or insight. Personal Engagement must be evidently clear with notable initiative, insight or independent thinking.An in-depth conclusion is narrated and explained that is totally significant to the RQ Of IA  and completely aided by the information depicted.The topic of the testing is pinned down and an RQ is clearly stated. This research question must be completely focused and valid
     How to write a good Chemistry Internal Assessment
    • There is a clear limit of twelve pages, including the bibliography. Hence concise and explanatory writing has to be balanced.
    • You should choose and craft the research question carefully. With correct variables identified and easily measurable. 
    • While explaining the processed data, there has to be a clear-cut link with the internal assessment’s chemistry aspect.
    A: Exploration (4)B: analysis (6)



    C: Personal Engagement (2)D: Evaluation (6)E: Communication (2)
    The background details given for the exploration is majorly useful and related to the IA also aids the perception of the context of the exploration.Students should interpret the processed data in a correct manner. This way they will reach a conclusion that is valid and detailed and is deduced from the RQ only.The justification is given for choosing the research question and/or the topic under


    investigation demonstrates personal significance, interest, or curiosity.

    An in-depth conclusion is narrated and explained that is totally significant to the RQ Of IA  and completely aided by the information depicted.The application of terminology that is specific for a subject and accord is correct and suitable. Any


    mistakes do not harm understanding.

    IB students must follow these criteria at every step of the internal assessment and our teachers are here to guide and brainstorm with you.

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